Given the diversity of our fleet we are able to provide vehicles to carry out any job you need done. The vehicles have a mix of vacuum and liquid ring suction so that every job is allocated the right machine to load the waste liquid or sludge.
Enviro-Clean operate a fleet of 50 tankers: artic units with capacity to hold 6000 gallons(33m3) and rigid tankers from 2000 – 4000 gallons(9 – 18m3). The waste tankers are used to transport sludge’s, trade effluents, septic tank waste and other waste liquids.

What type of liquids and sludge’s can you carry?
Our East Kilbride and Peterhead Depots specialise in non-hazardous industrial waste water effluents, process sludge’s, septic tank waste, sewage treatment plant effluent, waste food, digestate, Animal By Product (ABP) waste, drilling muds, lagoon sludge’s, etc.
Hazardous liquids, such as fuels, acids, solvents and toxic waste is handled by out Grangemouth Depot who are experts in this field.
How much do your tankers cost ?
That depends on the waste stream and the volume you need to be removed. However, it need not be expensive and we think clever when it comes to your waste disposal. We have excellent connections throughout the UK in the treatment and disposal of waste water and sludge’s, such as drying certain waste water sludge’s and applying them to agricultural and forestry land where permitted.